Rules and Expectations

Be on time. Be prepared.
Students are expected to arrive on time for art class and be prepared when class begins. Being prepared means being in your assigned seat when the bell rings and having your sketchbook out. No, students do not need to bring a pencil for art class, as there are plenty at each table for students to use. 

Any materials students bring to class should be stored in the cubbies that are to the students left when they come in the door. This helps everyone, because then it is not taking up table space and is also not a safety hazard when students store their items on the floor.

Students will also be able to store their materials in the classroom before they leave class. Each class has their own cabinet, and in each cabinet, there is a storage space for each student or a student and a partner. Nobody should ever not have their materials from the class before, because they should be left here!

Be respectful.
Students are expected to treat themselves, each other, and each other's work with respect. Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their work when in the art room. Negatively speaking of someone's art work - including your own - will not be tolerated. 

Clean up after yourself.
Art class is messy! Students will have the last few minutes of class to clean up (longer when working with materials such as clay, paint, etc.) When it is time to clean-up, students are expected to stop what they are doing, put their things away, and clean up where they were working. Students that finish early should help others with cleaning up.

Use materials appropriately.
Students are expected to behave appropriately when in art class. There are a lot of tools and materials that we use in art class that can be harmful to oneself or to others if used incorrectly. If a student behaves incorrectly with art materials, they risk not being able to continue that project (which is something we do NOT want, because art class is awesome). Students also begin each day with 3 points. Each warning they receive causes them to lose a point - students can lose points by not following any of the rules listed above! When a student has lost all 3 points in a day, their parent/guardian will be notified via email/phone call. If a student is consistent with this, they will receive a detention.